Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DogGone Miracle

As most of my friends know, and as I've certainly reported here, my dog Bailey is a neurotic ball of the hairiest stress. The slightest beeping noise launches a full-on panic attack (oven, alarm clock, distant car alarm); his reactions to thunderstorms rival Marley's; linoleum or any other floor lacking dog-claw gripability sends him into a tailspin. I love him, but he is truly pathetic.

I picked up DogGone Songs over a year ago at PETCO because it was on clearance for about $2. I must've thrown it into the oblivion pile when I got home because I just ran across it again last night and WOW. I put it on for Bailey and it was like instant Prozac. He went from a shaking, vibrating mess to a blissfully relaxed dog, curled up and asleep. I was astonished (and angry for having neglected to try the dang CD earlier).

If you click on the images below to enlarge them, you should be able to read about the composer. Additional plus: a portion of all proceeds from the sale of this CD go to Guide Dogs for the Blind. It's available on Amazon.com and from other pet-oriented merchants online.

CD total running time is 46 minutes.


samantha said...

most certainly sounds like something we should try at our house!!!

Kerry Burleigh said...

you didn't comment on whether you liked the music! how was it? I already have to listen to kids music all day, want my own stuff when I have a chance!

abby's mom said...

I gave the Humane Society here, a CD 2 years ago by a Greek composer. He is based out of Atlanta and records music for spas. He was featured in the Atlanta times about how his music really soothed the dogs in the shelter and helped them to stop barking. I talked to the girl when we were at the leash on life program and she said the dogs really responded. I will look for his name and send it to you.