Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Word of the day

In honor of the Supernatural marathon that aired yesterday, I give you the word of the day:

Douchebaggery: a combination of the following words: douche pronunciation: \˙düsh\

and \˙bag\ + ery.

Definition according to Urban Dictionary: The state of being a douchebag - committing acts that define an individual as being a douchebag, such as ripping off friends, screwing your friends over or generally just being a giant douche.

This word could easily be construed as offensive, but if you heard Dean say "Douchebaggery," in the episode, "Criss Angel is a Douche Bag" I bet you'd forgive the offense - or at least I hope you would.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles