Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Skinny Bitch

One of my good friends recently read "Skinny Bitch," by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman. The book is described as, "A no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous!" After realizing the authors' recommendations are rooted in avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, hydrogenated oils and the like, my interest was slightly peaked. Avoidance of the aforementioned poisons has been at the top of my father's soapbox for a while now, so my brother and I have tried to make a genuine effort to show him that we aren't ignoring his pleas for us to swear off diet soda and other "splendafied" or otherwise unnaturally morphed foods and beverages. Therefore, my curiosity isn't rooted in the "skinny" so much as the "healthy."

These ladies aren't completely full of crap, but women hoping for some kind of miracle diet will be quite disappointed. It's a very one-sided, biased account that claims vegetarianism (which I am by no means against!) is necessary in order to be "skinny" and healthy. The book even states, and I quote, "In order to be skinny, you must be a vegetarian."

Having been described as skinny, tiny, small, wee, itty-bitty, etc. for more than the past 15 years of my non-vegetarian life, I can tell you that Tracey is not sustained on twigs and berries alone. And no, I do not exercise like a freakshow. I'm lucky if I do 90 minutes of cardio a week.

I do not eat red meat (I'm allergic), I don't like to eat pork and I almost never do, and vegetarian meals are almost always my preference to "meaty" meals, but I do not think that has everything to do with my personal size. I thank my dad for my eternally skinny legs (I could gain 75 pounds and I would still have skinny legs...just like his), and my intake of extremely limited amounts of fast food (it's gross anyway), fried foods and junk contributes to my satisfactory BMI.

I guess my point is that each individual has his or her own specific genetics on their side (or not!), so the few pages I read of this book just rubbed me the wrong way. Knowing that Ms. Barnouin is a former model and Ms. Freedman is a former agent for Ford Models doesn't ease my feelings of skepticism.

If women adopt the "Skinny Bitch" way of life and find success, I say, "Woo Hoo!" But I don't think I'll be recommending this book or it's "diet" to any of my friends.


Jeni said...

Funny enough I did loose a lot of weight when I became vegetarian but I attribute that to the omitting fast food. Really there was no fast food to be had without meat (prior to the bk veggie) except for taco bell. I also was eating healthier all around and exercising. I think the majority of people who do convert to a veggie lifestyle are trying to be healthier and therefore THAT makes them loose weight, not just being a vegetarian. I've known some Jabba-vegetarians that ate nothing but greasy starchy foods...Good point Tracey!

SMA said...

Maybe you don't have to be a vegetarian to be skinny but you do have to be a bitch to suggest that's the only way to go?

Says the former vegan.

Enjoy that healthy delicious slow-food. I do (and I happen to weigh more than I ever have)!

Kathy said...

Easy comments coming from a "skinny bitch", TEG! :-)

You know I'm just joking however you are the ONLY person I thought of when reading this fictional book. I've seen you eat healthy sh*t for about five years now and I haven't seen you gain an ounce, that's for sure. I must admit, I had to skip the chapters on the animal treatment. I gag at the thought of red meat which should help me immensely. I have not had fast food junk in over a week nor a Diet Coke until this morning when I could have killed for one. I feel better but it could be the newness of the idea of me being a "skinny bitch" when I'm all done with this "cleansing". Ultimately, I'm eating healthier but I certainly do not believe all the bull (ha - or should I say fungi since they don't touch meat) they put in that book. Hard to take advice like that from two former models.....skinny bitches!!!!!