Thursday, January 22, 2009


After relaying anecdotes from this past weekend to my assistant, I realized some of them are too cute not to share.

1. In my experience, most kids who want to be picked up will say something like, "Up!" or "Up mommy!"
Louise says, "Hold you!" So cute. She usually became quite nervous when Zoe was loose and able to approach her. She would run to the nearest adult and cry, "Hold you! Hold you!" Even with my bad back, I couldn't help but pick her up.

2. I would like to say that Zoe was a perfectly behaved little girl, but I can't. She definitely nipped at Louise several times. Both Zoe and I are very lucky that Mike and Shelly were so understanding! I should say that Zoe never did make real skin contact (thank goodness), but she did get a good grip on Louise's coat sleeve. After that, Louise began to approach Zoe with "no bite!"
All things considered, Louise was a very well-behaved toddler around Zoe.

3. Louise belts out AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" like no other. Shelly - you need to get that on video ASAP.

4. I have honestly never met a more trusting, loving toddler. Most children I meet require a "warming-up" period - at least a few days if not weeks. Weezie hugged me and kissed me the day I met her. She wanted to wear my slippers, hold my hand, have me sit by her and hold her right away. She is one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. Stole my heart immediately.


SMA said...

Aw, that's so sweet of you to say! The adorable toddler you spoke so highly of is now screaming her head off in her crib. Oh well, we all have our moments...
By the way, I did get to video her rocking out to Thunderstruck- will try to post it today.

carolinagirl said...

So cute! Jack used to say hold you too! :)

samantha said...

When you get the Thunderstruck video, you MUST share. That is fabulous!

matt said...

I respectfully request to be made privy of the posting of said video of Louise performing Thunderstruck!