Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A wintery inauguration

My driveway at 10:33 am Tuesday. The snow was welcome for at least two reasons: The Institute was closed so I was able to work from home. In turn, working from home allowed me to watch yesterday's historical inauguration. Like one of my friends said, I think the country breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Bailey - who loves snow - was obviously otherwise engaged in the photo below. I believe he was taking note of strangers passing behind our house. Don't be fooled - he's only curious. He's a terrible watchdog.

Beware the yellow snow...

Tiny dogs are not fond of snow, as it tends to cling to hair...

After each time I took Zoe out to do her business, she immediately darted back to the space heater to dry herself off and warm up. She was pretty much stationed in front of it all day.


Jeni said...

I'm glad you got to enjoy a snow day at home. I know I did!

matt said...

Zoe making yellow snow...he he...that is're such a dog person.

Jane said...

Love the yellow snow shot - and the "cling-on" shot. Poor Zoe. She doesn't appear to have enjoyed the wintery weather at all! Bailey looks great! You said he was having a few problems? How is he? E-mail me. :)