Thursday, April 23, 2009

Farewell Beezil

My friend and co-worker told me yesterday that he had to put down his 17-year-old Italian Greyhound on Tuesday evening. I was heartbroken, but unsure how to react. My first reaction would be to jump up and hug the person, but I don't know if I've ever physically touched this friend more than a few times, so that option was squelched. But that didn't keep me from wanting to cry.

I was relieved to hear that Beezil had a wonderful final day. He spent his entire last afternoon basking in the sun - something his owner told me he adored. I can picture him, "frog-doggin" (see 1st photo below) all day long.

Beezil's parents are avid dog lovers, rescuers and advocates. I am thankful for their generosity and hope that many more dogs are fortunate enough to cross paths with people like Beezil's folks.


TinyRockerGrrl said...

Aww what a sweet post. Beezil had a great life with great, loving parents. I'm happy there are people like you and Mike and everyone else that loves animals.. how could they not!?!

TinyRockerGrrl said... day I *will* own an Italian Greyhound. They are just the cutest doggies!

Jane said...

So sorry to hear about Beezil - he looks like he was a real character! Love the "frog-doggin" photo. The positions dogs favor can be so odd. I hope your friend is coping with the loss. 17 years is a long, good life!

samantha said...

SEVENTEEN?! That is amazing! Your friends deserve a huge gold star for keeping a dog alive that long. It must've been hard for them to put him down - I send my condolences.
Frog-doggin' is a fabulous description for that doggie pose, and Beezil is such a great name. I'll have to remember that one :)