Monday, April 27, 2009

More on poop

As I've reported before, I am very responsible about picking up after my doggies. In fact, when I go over the perimeter of our cul-de-sac with my pooper scooper, I make a point to pick up ALL visible poop - knowing that it does not all belong to Bailey or Zoe.

When I took Zoe out yesterday to do her business, as she was in mid-dump I heard a woman's voice scream at me, "It'd be really awesome if you'd pick that up!" before the car she was in drove away. It took me a second to realize she was yelling at me, so I didn't have enough time to respond.

Had I had time to respond, I would've yelled, "I always do!!!" But instead, I spent the better part of the afternoon fuming at her accusation.

I know the next time I see her I'm going to have a hard time not confronting her. I'd want to tell her that I do always pick up after my dogs and that I am not the only dog owner in the neighborhood. Regardless of those facts, I'd want to tell her that she shouldn't shout accusations at people unless she witnesses them leaving excrement in the grass. Or I'd want to tell her that a real jerk might smear their dog's poop on her car if she continues to scream undeservingly at innocent dog-walkers. (I would never do that, but some people might).

What would you do if you were me? Would you ever say anything to her? Am I being overly-sensitive?

I probably am being overly-sensitive, but I don't like being treated like a disrespectful neighbor when I have always taken poop pick-up seriously.


Shug Herself said...

I'd pelt her with poo...if I were you.

That sucks. Seriously though, I'd probably let it slide, but if she's ever out and about and checking you out again, I'd definitely say something.

Kathy said...

Pile your poo on her car. Seriously, I'm sure you will handle it with the utmost of dignity but it would be fun to pile it up and leave a note telling her how "awesome" it was to pick it up then pile it on her car.

carolinagirl said...

I would be so irritated!!! Not sure what I'd do??? Probably just shake it off. Keep doing what you're doing!

Malena said...

I hate that - what just happened there could be translated to so many things, in a relationship, in the work place, with friends, but hey - don't let it eat you up, shake it off girl. In a few days hopefully it won't make your blood boil. I still think that you should speak with the lady if you have the opportunity, just to stand up for yourself. I know you didn't have the chance today since she drove away...

LA and BD said...

UGH! The not picker-uppers give the responsible picker-uppers a bad name, don't they! I always worry that people think it's me leaving the poop behind, even though I am a responsible picker-upper, too. I've never had anyone yell at me though. That was really rude of her.