Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mommy's little monster and her brother, the angel

Wednesday is normally a work-out night, but I had more fun baby sitting Kerry's kids. Well, it was mostly fun. Per usual, Sydney began our time together in complete hysterics. Notice her shirt reads, "Mommy's little monster" - how fitting.

Her non-stop crying gave her a horrible case of the hiccups, and before long her little face was so swollen, red and covered with tears and snot that I couldn't take it any longer. Felton and I decided that the only possible solution was to go outside to the swings. This plan seemed to be a failure at first, but Sydney gradually relaxed and began to enjoy swinging with her brother.

Felton kept me in stitches! He talked circles around me and was a constant giggle-box. We talked about dogs - how Emma and Zoe are black - and how he doesn't know any brown dogs. We discussed lizards and birds and tests of balance. He said he's going to teach Sydney to say please when she starts talking. Mostly though, we laughed!

Felton's laugh - when he's really tickled - is absolutely priceless. I need to record it so that I can listen to it when I need a pick-me-up. I could listen to him laugh ALL day long.

After Kerry got home we chatted outside with the kids for a bit, and while we were doing so Sydney took a big spill. Poor thing pretty much face-planted on the driveway, as evidenced in the photo below. I told Kerry she had to promise to tell Robert that the incident didn't happen while I was on duty alone! I was VERY thankful that Kerry was there to soothe Sydney because I'm certain I couldn't have done it to her (Sydney's) satisfaction.

Of course all the tears and crankiness were forgiven when I was leaving and Sydney cheerfully waved and said "bye bye!" I swear she's gonna love me one day!


TinyRockerGrrl said...

Awwwwww poor baby! Her little nose looks painful..scrapes are the worst! She is getting prettier by the day!

And I bet Felton is tons of fun!

samantha said...

Poor Sydney! She looks like she took it in stride though. If you ever get that recording of Felton's laugh, I want to hear it!