Saturday, March 21, 2009

And the Oscar goes to...

I admit to going to the movies about once a year – and that’s if I’m lucky. Prime example: the last movie I saw in the theater was “The Dark Knight”. However, despite my limited big screen viewing experiences, I am very much a film aficionado. I take the Oscars very seriously. In fact, I remember telling everyone I knew that if Rachel Wiesz didn’t win the award for best supporting actress for “The Constant Gardener” at the 2006 awards, I would boycott all movies (in theaters) for at least two years. Thankfully I was spared, for Rachel was dutifully recognized for her amazing portrayal of Tessa Quayle.

The following are those from the past whom I feel were seriously robbed of that little golden Oscar statue:

1993: Leonardo DiCaprio for his portrayal of Arnie Grape in “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.” I have nothing against Tommy Lee Jones, or “The Fugitive” but DiCaprio acted circles around Jones in my opinion. Hands down, DiCaprio should’ve won. "You're hiding huh?"

1996: Ralph Fiennes for “The English Patient.” Really, can anyone watch that film with a dry eye? And that’s not the point I’m trying to make as far as the Oscar-shun. Fiennes and Kristin Scott Thomas could’ve made anyone, anywhere, believe that their love was magical. The acting was TOP-notch.

1998: Tom Hanks as Captain John Miller in "Saving Private Ryan." This is one of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen. I was balling within the first 10 minutes (think soldier looking for his arm, finding and picking it up and then looking for cover).

I have since watched "Saving Private Ryan" on network television at least five or six times, and every time I watch it I am drawn in..right up to the end. (My semi-secret ENORMOUS crush on Ed Burns doesn't hurt).

2000: I can’t believe Denzel Washington wasn’t nominated for “Remember the Titans.” I adore that movie, and honestly believe that ALL boys age 16 and under should be required to watch it at least once. Washington shone above the “period message,” leaving me with the memory of an inspirational coach who overcame adversity - when no one else WOULD - more than anything else.

2004: Kate Winslet for her portrayal of Clementine Kruczynski in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” I really don’t care for Jim Carrey, so I expected to hate this movie outright, but I was pleasantly surprised that I LOVED it. It’s a quirky movie that I could see falling into the hate category for many, but as I said just before, I loved it. Kate was fabulous as blue- green-haired, slightly neurotic Clem. She and Carrey really clicked together well on camera. Again I say, she was ROBBED of that Oscar! Good thing the Academy made up for it this year by awarding her for her role as Hanna Schmitz in "The Reader."


Chapel Heel said...

Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan absolutely shameful.

Jane said...

Leonardo DiCaprio was ABSOLUTELY robbed of the Oscar in 1993 for his role as Arnie. He was amazing!
I also agree with Chapel Heel regarding the Shakespeare in Love/Saving Private Ryan screw up. At least SPR managed to win 5 other Oscars.