Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who wants to drink poop-tainted water?!

I came across the 2008 July/August Durham Waterways newsletter recently while carrying out an aggressive cleaning initiative at my house. Obviously such an initiative was necessary as I don't recall said newsletter prior to Friday evening, and it was likely delivered in June of 2008!

Anyway, one of the main headlines was, "If you think picking up dog poop is unpleasant, try drinking it." So, anyone who read my post "Shit happens," now knows that my extreme distaste for those who don't pick up after their dogs is not due to bitchiness alone.

Now, for those of you who live out in what can be described as the middle of nowhere, I can understand your unwillingness to pick up after your pet. Afterall, you are out in the middle of nowhere. However, that poop still has the chance of washing into a storm drain (unless you live on a farm miles away from any neighbors, by law a storm drain must be nearby).

Just think about it the next time you take your pet out to do his or her business. That humiliating poop scoop is worth a lot more than you think!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I have seen similar signs at the chapel hill high school trails. What I want to know is, why is it ok to drink deer poop, squirrel poop, rabbit poop, bird poop, and every other kind of woodland critter poop, but dogs, that's where they draw the line?