Thursday, March 26, 2009

Doggie Aid Suggestions?

I am a dog mommy in a bit of desperation looking for suggestions.

I no longer have the freedom to work at home “off-schedule”, so I am looking for advice as to what to do with my elderly dog, Bailey, when he shows signs of distress and I can’t stay home with him. (And no, I am not suggesting that I would in any way abandon Bailey).

Yesterday I had to begin boarding him on a daily basis so I can go in to the office. Let me be clear that Bailey is NOT in the “need to be put down” category. He is old, but all he requires is a little TLC, which I think he deserves! Unfortunately my only option is to take him to the vet during work hours when necessary.

But Bailey hates the vet – or I should say that he hates the uncarpeted floors – and yesterday was the first time I had to leave him alone with strangers in more than five years.

I admit to being extremely angry about my circumstances. I don’t feel that I should have to apologize for the fact that Bailey is not a HUMAN child, or that I can completely do my work from home (or anywhere else as long as I have my laptop). Bailey has still been my child for more than 11 years. His sickness and his pain are also mine. I can't allow him to just be swept away, but I also need a job.

Anyone else feel my pain? my anger? or at least have suggestions? I would appreciate any and all. Thank you!


Jeni said...

Well I think you know I feel your pain. I also had a desire to telecommute whilst on maternity leave and was denied. Though my job seems to be a little less flexible in being out of the office. I am sorry to hear it Tracey. I used to take my dog to camp bow-wow (off page road out by Kemps seafood). If he likes other dogs, it might be a good alternative. I think it was like $20 a day though.

TinyRockerGrrl said...

Camp Bow Wow?? How adorable!!! <3

carolinagirl said...

I don't have any suggestions for you...I am sorry! I do feel for you though! :(

samantha said...

Awww! Poor Bailey! I know you still have Thursdays at home so maybe Bailey will cooperate? J/K, although I know that's not funny. I wish I were closer - I'd keep him for you in a heartbeat any time!

Chris and Mackenzie said...

I would love to work from home so as to stay home w/Mac, however, I don't think that will happen anytime soon. You mention the vet, what are the other options (i.e., doggy daycare, friends house)?

Hopefully those strangers will become friends real soon!