Monday, March 2, 2009

The joys of owning a dog (or two)

1. My roommates absolutely adore me. They don’t complain about messiness, mood swings or any human behavior in general.

2. I have no problem finding a partner with whom to share a dvd and popcorn, or just a good ol' snuggle in bed.

3. When I come home from a long day at work, I am always greeted with ecstatic glee.

4. While annoying at times, I firmly believe that Zoe is more effective than a top-of-the-line security system.

5. Bailey is the sweetest boy there is. Aside from his infuriating escape attempts, he is a unique treasure. I mean really, how many other dogs are allowed to hang unattended with a 9-month-old? Bailey and Abby (my niece, now 7 1/2) have always been tight. My only regret is that she no longer calls him “Baywee.”


SMA said...

We just checked out a book for Louise at the library that I think you would love. It's a children's picture book called "Once I Ate Pie" and features adorable paintings of dogs and vignettes about them.

The title comes from Mr. Beefy, who is a pug. It goes like this:
I am not thin, but I am beautiful.
When no one is looking, I steal tubs of butter off the table.
I take them to the basement to eat in private.
Once I ate a pie.

Check out this book. It would make a nice gift to give Sydney one day.

Jane said...

Henry brings me joy in the very same ways. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in when I get home, he always lifts my spirits!

Chris and Mackenzie said...

#3 - totally! No matter what happened during the day, it's all left at the door. How can you think about a project that's behind when you have a puppy doing figure eights between your legs? :)