Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Burleigh Zoo

The grand opening of the Burleigh Zoo took place on Friday night, with debut appearances by Sydney the Koala and Felton the Giraffe. In our first photograph we have Sydney the Koala (Remember kids, koalas are NOT bears) in her standard table perch stance. On the verge of walking, Sydney is often caught in such a pose.

Second we have Felton, the suspicious-looking giraffe. I'm guessing from his expression that he either has his eye on something VERY interesting or he's just adjusting to his limited peripheral vision.

In our next photo, the koala and giraffe are joined by a mid-sized canine, suspected to be some type of Doberman/Shepherd mix. She is Emma! Fabulous protector extraordinaire! (Don't let the "head-cone" fool you - she is in charge and a fierce guardian of her precious koala and giraffe).

ADORABLE koala - what else need be said?

The last photo makes me giggle. Sydney has that "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" look on her face. Priceless!


TinyRockerGrrl said...

I love the one of Sydney looking up at you. Good...gravy!!

And the look shes giving in the last photo!! Wow! "I can walk over there if I REALLY wanted to..I just choose not to..mmhmm".

And Felton is the cutest little boy.. he makes me want to have a little boy myself one day. :D

Kathy said...

They are absolutely adorable. It's been too long since I could dress my "little ones" up in costumes that I thought were cute but they would see as bribery material when they were older. Now's the time to bribe - at 15 and 11!!!!!

samantha said...

Those are some insanely cute zoo animals!