Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How time flies

For the past year or so, Jen and I have been increasingly commenting on the warp speed with which time seems to pass. At EHP, many of the deadlines we assign for authors are spaced six weeks apart. So I always catch myself randomly reporting out loud, "In six weeks it will be [insert date here]," after which both of us gasp and say, "Really?!"

Case in point: how quickly a child grows before one's eyes! Check out the photos of my niece, Abby, below. The first was taken in early November 2003. FIVE years ago. Abby was just over 25 months old. (And I wasn't yet 30!)

The second photo was taken in October of this year, 2008. Abby at just over 7-years-old. Years out of diapers, taller than most of her friends in the 2nd grade (she's in 1st grade), and almost through the awkward "toothless grin" stage.

Abby is now reading and writing; she's a successful athlete and student; she's got a gazillion friends, and she's one of the most thoughtful and generous kids I know. (ie. if you were stranded with her on a desert island and there were three pieces of fruit between the two of you, she'd insist on giving you two of them). I am such a proud Auntie!

I just wish I could slow down MY clock, while allowing hers to power forward. Although even that isn't completely true. I really miss her calling Bailey "Baywee."

What I'd really love is for someone to invent a contraption that speeds up the workdays, yet slows down the nights...that would be GENIUS...


samantha said...

She has grown SO much. I remember your "wall of Abby" on your office at OSA. I bet you have one at EHP, too!

carolinagirl said...

Great post! It IS hard to believe how fast they grow! I am sitting here beside JC while he and T are texting! :)

Malena said...

Hi! Thanks for making yourself known to me, thru Jeni and thru my blog. It is always nice to get to know fellow bloggers and like minded out there. Thanks for your support! AND, your dogs are really cute. And your nieces are beautiful... they are all lucky to have you in their lives! This post about time fleeing really hit home...time is truly ticking way too fast these days...