Friday, November 7, 2008

What's with all the doorbells?

Does anyone else notice the insane number of advertisements that include doorbell sounds? Perhaps I am keen to this because tiny terrier Zoe cannot differentiate between the TV doorbell and a real doorbell. Therefore, unless the television is set at an extremely low volume level, all ads utilizing doorbell sounds send her into a frenzy. One might think of this as a mild annoyance, but Zoe's frenzies aren't ever brief, and as I said at the start of this post, the doorbells are sounding with alarming frequency.

The ads that include obnoxious double and triple bell ringers are particularly irritating. I can't remember the product off-hand, but there is an ad that comes on a gazillion times a day, in which there are 4-5 rings of a door bell. Jeez Louisous, that ad is the bane of my existence.

Any tips from neurotic dog owners (such as myself) would be greatly appreciated.

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