Monday, November 3, 2008

punkins and fairies and tar heels...oh my!

A Friday night Halloween is just about the most perfect holiday there is. Add gorgeous weather and hanging with Abby to that, and I've got one absolutely super-perfect Friday night event going on!
The evening began with punkin carving (Abby refuses to use the correct term, "pumpkin," and instead uses "punkin"). Abby repeated, "yucky poo!" the entire time she gutted her pumpkin. I think she was encouraged to do so after I giggled the first few times she said it. Then she'd vary it. "Yucky poo! Yucky, yucky, yucky poo! Yucky POO!" You get the idea.
And by the way, it really was gross. I can't remember the last time I'd carved a pumpkin, but I'm not looking forward to pulling out more pumpkin guts any time soon.

Despite my brother's amazing talent for carving pumpkins (he's a dentist, so such a talent shouldn't be surprising), he said he'd "given up" pumpkin carving and therefore left the task solely to Abby, Maria and I. However, unable to resist checking out the horrendous mess we were making in the back yard, Todd appeared and we begged him to assist. He agreed reluctantly, but for a price...

Fortunately, Todd allowed Abby to keep her head so that she could go trick-or-treating in her lovely fairy/butterfly costume. (The slash is used in the description because the costume was meant to be a butterfly, but everyone assumed Abby was dressed as a fairy). No matter, everyone loved her costume, as did she.

Abby has a way of stumbling into pictures and poses, as evidenced below. This photo makes me think of a gymnast or ice skater, at the end of a routine, flashing the judges a "Yes, I'm done and I'm cute and I'm fabulous!" smile.

Soon after, we arrived at a true TAR HEEL fan home. Of course we loved their pumpkin and accompanying flag.

We Glazeners always end the Halloween festivities (and any other festivities) by taking group photos on Todd and Maria's porch. We have Maria, Abby and me followed by Abby and her daddy.

The last photo must've been taken some time after Daddy the Dentist told Abby she couldn't have any more candy. Grrrrr!


Jeni said...

Great photos and that's a terrific costume! I'm glad you all had a good halloween!

samantha said...

The photo of Abby and your brother is HILARIOUS! She is so pretty. Looks like you guys had fun. I'm jealous that your Halloween looks to have been much warmer than mine. Hope Abby got lots of treats!