Friday, November 21, 2008

Fabulous Blog Award

Two days ago, Triplet Mama honored me with the Fabulous Blog award, and I’m still glowing from my win (hee hee). Thank you TM!
So, here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.

On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
TEG’s fabulous addictions:
1. Zoe & Bailey (the pooches)
2. Tar Heel sports
3. Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka (a good Chardonnay runs a close second)
4. Aveda Smooth Infusion Shampoo
5. My god daughter Sydney and her brother, Felton

Here are my 5 fabulous blogger nominations:
i found happy
triplet mama
weezie blog
on my pole


carolinagirl said...

Not sure if I should be honored or not, but so glad I could contribute to your addictions by introducing you to #3! Kristen Esposito will be bringing some tomorrow am...see you then! :)

SMA said...

Wow- I'm flattered. I'm not sure if I can live up to the expectations, though. I don't know that I read 5 other blogs. I'll get on it ASAP!