Monday, December 29, 2008

Houdini strikes again...

Bailey was up to his escape artist ways on Christmas Eve, not the first time he's made a dash for freedom in Winston-Salem. Thank goodness for my marathon-running brother and sister-in-law! This most recent stint of freedom was quite short-lived, but nerve-wracking as usual.

Maria and I were upstairs in the bonus room trying to gather presents for the trip to Nana's when suddenly I heard what sounded like dogs fighting. I knew Bailey was in the fenced back yard, but also knew he could've squeezed his way out. I looked at Maria and said, "Did you hear that?" and that's the last thing I remember before we were all outside: Maria in the lead, followed by Todd, and then me with the leash, shouting, "Bailey!" I was so shocked to hear that Bailey had been an aggressor, but delighted to find that the owners of the other dog were very friendly and not perturbed by Bailey's behavior.

The last thing I saw during the chase was Maria, sprinting after Bailey (in clogs no less) through the last yard in the cul-de-sac behind their house. Todd and I made a hard right to try to cut Bailey off at the pass, but as we realized we were blocked by a fence, one of the other dog owners yelled, "She's got him!"

After breathing a huge sigh of relief and thanking Maria for efficiently chasing him down, I wanted to give Bailey a lashing - which of course I never do.

I couldn't help but laugh (ONLY after retaining Bailey once again) when thinking of him fleeing from us. Calling for him makes him run faster, so I asked Maria how she finally cornered him. While I think he was somewhat distracted by something in his path, Maria said she looked at him and said (in her angriest voice possible - which by most standards is still pretty sweet), "Bailey, if you don't stop...I'm gonna..." and then she captured him.

Perhaps the most memorable thing about this particular "break" was Abby, who sat at the bottom of the stairs during the entire event spouting, "I didn't open any doors! I didn't! It's not my fault!" Gotta love her.

Thank you Todd and Maria for loving Bailey as much as I do!


carolinagirl said...

I didn't hear this story!!! Glad you guys got Bailey back safe and sound!

Jane said...

Again I say, "Isn't he getting old?!" He really IS a stinker isn't he?! Good thing you've got runners in the family!!! Glad Bay is okay and I hope you had a great Christmas!

samantha said...

I don't know what to tell you. That boy is a sly dog. Glad Maria was on her toes! I will keep my eyes and ears opened for humane "containment strategies!" Until then, keep Bailey under wraps :)