Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pink Bear shoot...less than picture perfect

At the end of each month, Kerry takes a photo of Sydney with her pink bear (hand-made by the fabulous Bestama) to represent Sydney's growth. It was time for Sydney's 11-month photo and Kerry's camera was on the fritz, so she asked me to come over with mine. (Sadly, as previously mentioned repeatedly, my camera is really a piece of dookie).

By the time I got there last night, Sydney wasn't the happiest camper and Felton wanted to help, so long as he didn't have to stay out of the spotlight. Not the best combination, but I like the photos I've posted here.

One of the photos of Felton with Sydney

I LOVE this last photo - Sydney is showing her true "Traceyness" here. This was taken over the Thanksgiving holiday at Robert's parent's house in Florida. I have a similar photo of myself (although I was much older at the time and not in Florida or Robert's parent's house) that I will do my best to find, scan and post asap. Love that Sydney GRRRRR!!!


Jeni said...

What a great idea. I bet it's neat to look at the growth progress in photos!!!

TinyRockerGrrl said...

I love her pinup pose in the third photo..what a natural! ;)

carolinagirl said...

So cute! I just love the photo with her arms behind her head! Precious!!!

Jane said...

I say again, your god daughter is BEAUTIFUL! (and her brother is pretty darn cute as well). You lucky girl, you. :)

samantha said...

OK - so one last comment before bed. Couldn't miss this one. Could your god daughter be any more GORGEOUS? New teeth?! Standing?! Did I mention BEAUTIFUL? Lordy - I knew from the way you talk about Kerry that she hung the moon, but I gotta say she also hit the big time on the child genetics scale. Both kids - absolutely perfect. Help Kerry spoil them both rotten!!!