Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa Bailey

Last night, I saw a photo of a friend's dog with a santa hat on, and it reminded me of this photo of Bailey from 2004. At the time, I really couldn't believe how long he allowed that santa hat to remain on his head! Anyhow, even before these photos were taken, I had somehow gotten the song "Santa Baby" in my head that year, so I made up my own lyrics for Bailey and sang them to him with annoying frequency (could not get them out of my head!) Annoying to me, that is, as Bailey seemed to love the attention.

The little ditty went something like this:

"Santa Bailey, I'll slip a bone right under the tree, for you.
You've been an awful good boy.
Santa Bailey, I'll hurry down to walk you tonight!

Santa Bailey, I've maybe got a smoked pig ear, too, for you.
A milk-bone might be near,
Santa Bailey, I'll hurry down to pet you tonight!

Think of all the people you've kissed,
Think of all the butts you've sniffed,
Next year you'll be just as good,
If I check off your Christmas list..."

Repeat above, over and over...


carolinagirl said...

Wow! I can't believe you remember the lyrics...I bet you'll be singing that again this year!

Jeni said...
