Friday, October 31, 2008

Zoe on guard duty

Witness Zoe on guard duty while I weed in my back yard. I tried so hard to get a photo of her when she's REALLY into it (barking frantically, throwing herself at the glass door, doing her best to look like a scary 7 1/2 pound beast). As I have gathered, she is only frantic if she thinks I am unaware of interlopers. ie. She becomes particularly crazed if I am outside and she can see a stranger but can't see me, in which situation she assumes I am unaware and prime bait for an attack. Hence my inability to really capture her in full guard duty mode.

I love the last photo, taken when she was caught off-guard and therefore got herself tangled up in the curtain. I caught her just as she was making her way out. My little guardian. Gotta love her!

Oh, and yes, I really need to clean my windows!

1 comment:

TinyRockerGrrl said...

The third one is my favorite! She looks so maniacal!