Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Congratulations Stump!

Last night Stump became the oldest dog ever to win "Best in Show" at the Westminster Dog Show. A gorgeous Sussex Spaniel and a true survivor - he almost died five years ago - Stump was a HUGE crowd favorite. I loved his little short legs and seemingly perma-grin. Photo below snatched from USA Today. Let's hope proper credit prevents me from being sued for copyright infringements.

The "ratta-tat-tat" of tiny paws on short doggy legs, clamoring to keep up, always makes me giggle. Zoe is really a lead-foot for a 7 1/2 pounder, but her footfalls still follow a sing-song clickety-clack on my hardwood and linoleum floors and the pavement outside.

I also loved Tiger Woods, the Scottish deerhound who won Westminster's hound group. He reminded me so much of Dante, the Irish wolfhound in Pam Houston's novel, "Sighthound," which is one of my favorite books. Seeing Tiger really tore at my heartstrings!

Sincere congrats to all the well-behaved pooches who earned accolades this year. I hope they are all either home or on their way home to enjoy loads of dog biscuits and well-deserved LOVE!


Jane said...

I loved "Sight Hound" too! Great book.
But I must say I think my favorite at the WDS was Lincoln, the Brussels Griffon. He looked like a little pug!

carolinagirl said...

totally missed it...did you see any doxies?