Saturday, May 30, 2009

Does anyone remember Field Day?

You know, three-legged and wheelbarrow races, track and field events, general outdoor fun which takes place at the end of the school year?

I was supposed to get video last night of Abby's 1st grade antics, but brother Todd didn't get it to me. He did, however, send me the photo below of his lovely wife Maria carrying the torch at the opening ceremonies for Vienna Elementary School's Field Day.

Maria and Todd are a bit hard core - marathons, triathalons, etc. I left all that behind when I left the pool, but I wish I could find the motivation they both have to keep in super-shape!


Stephanie B. said...

Uggh I hated field day. My field day memories all involve sweating my ass off in the blazing Fayetteville sun while having to play some hideous game that required sitting on a balloon (helping to spawn a deep phobia of balloons might I add) and eating soggy sandwiches and hot caprisun. Yuck!

Jane said...

I'm always an object of hate (as are you, Miss SKINNY) at 5'10" and about 116 pounds - 118 on my heavier days. I know my lifestyle will catch up with me eventually and I'll be forced to execute some discipline into my life. Although I wonder, you're not an exercising queen and you're almost 10 years my senior and appear to be just as lithe. Might I be so lucky? :)

samantha said...

Maria is a lovely torch carrier! What a sport - and you're right - she looks GREAT!