Saturday, May 23, 2009

Locks of Love: Abby's gift

On my way to the gym last night, my sister-in-law called to tell me the time had come - Abby was going to get her hair cut for donation to Locks of Love. It took just under a year for her to grow the ten inches of hair required. See first post regarding Abby's Locks of Love project here.

I think Maria was relieved. Last weekend she was crossing her fingers and wishing the end was near. Maria's feelings were reasonable, as Abby spends about 70% of the summer in a swimming pool. A pre-summer cut surely saved Abby's hair a great deal of damage, but also many miserable hours of painful combing! As I've mentioned in the past, Abby's tresses are not the easiest to tame.

I must admit that Abby's tolerance for tugging on her tangles has grown exponentially in response to the increasing length of her hair, but the fact remains that she is almost incapable of sitting still. A constantly bobbing, turning head + knotty strands does not produce a desirable outcome for adult or child.

When I talked to Abby last weekend about the impending "chop" of her hair, she sounded like she was dreading it. Her face registered horror when I told her she would have to get her hair cut really short. She insisted that couldn't possibly be the case, but as you can see, the new do is pretty short and cute.

I am so proud of her!

As far as I know, she came up with the idea to donate her hair all on her own, although that isn't surprising coming from Abby. I don't know how such a big heart fits inside such a little 7 1/2 year-old girl.


samantha said...

Cute cut! Hope she likes it. Even if she doesn't, she'll always remember that her hair will help a sick child. What a sweetie.

carolinagirl said...

Yeah Abby!!! M texted me that first photo yesterday! I know she is so proud, and Abby should be as well.

SMA said...

Abby's hair looks great short! And good for her to be so young and to be so giving.

Kerry Burleigh said...

SO CUTE! What a lady!