Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Little Pleasures

Our new office building is a couple short miles from a Starbucks and two of my favorite restaurants. But the best part of this proximity (and thus the frequency with which I make the journey there), is the unavoidable railroad crossing that has the most perfectly placed bump, which sends me pleasantly airborne when I hit it at just the right speed. In fact, I get quite testy when there is a law-abiding citizen in front of me who prevents me from sailing over my "ramp" of sorts.

Yes, there is a sign that states a speed limit of 10 mph, but that just isn't any fun. The wonderful in-car flight experienced while passing over my favorite railroad crossing reminds me a great deal of a certain bump in Falmouth Drive (a road in my parents' neighborhood, where I grew up).

The Falmouth "bump" became a delight to all of my friends who ever rode in my car with me. With carefully timed acceleration, your stomach almost dropped. Granted, one could only speed so much, as a stop sign is located straight away after the bump, but we had good fun.

While my delight at such a trivial thing likely seems ridiculous to most, I don't care. That little jump a few times a week is an absolutely fabulous guiltless pleasure that I won't soon give up.


Jeni said...

This post made me think of the days I used to fly over the railroad tracks in my 82 chevette. It had no problem going airborne. :)

carolinagirl said...

Girl...you better be careful! We don't want another car mishap. SO thankful your brother is ok!

samantha said...

When reading this post, I pictured the valet drivers in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" sailing through the air in poor Cameron's dad's Ferrari convertible. Hilarious. Good stuff. Although I hope you aren't catching nearly as much "air" as they did in the movie!

Kerry Burleigh said...

I remember the Falmouth Drive bump, and it was great, esp. in the Monte!