Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My faucet-like eyes return with a vengeance

I'm sure my life would be far easier if I went to a doctor to be thoroughly tested for allergens, but who has time for that, right? Really I should, but I know I won't, and I curse myself every day as I wipe at the corners of my eyes, wearing the skin down to extreme discomfort - practically rendering it unbearable to the touch. Most days I'm left with red-rimmed orbs that make me look stoned, 10 years my senior or both.

As I've said before, I'm sure a big part of my problem revolves around a pet allergy, but there is no real resolution for that because I will never be without a dog. That is certain.

Claritin Redi-tabs help a bit, but there are still days that are RIDICULOUS, on which I could easily convince an outsider that I'd been boo-hooing ALL day as my eyes water to the point where they runneth over - FOR HOURS.

DAMN these allergies that only came about sometime around my 21st year. GRRR. Curses! I'm tired of them ruining my use of mascara!

Those commercials where the woman rips up her yard and coats EVERYTHING in her house in plastic are starting to look quite appealing to me.

Yes, as one could easily guess, this post is merely and angry rant as I'm tired of looking like a glassy-eyed zombie.


samantha said...

If they are truly Spring allergies they should be over soon - although I know you suffer almost year round. I love mascara, too, but you surely don't need it every day my dear. xoxo

Malena said...

I feel bad for you! That is horrible! I should not complain anymore about my allergies... which appeared for the first time this year. Someone recently suggested to eat TONS of local honey - that by doing that you consume pollen and start getting immune to it?!?! Have you tried it? Hope your poor eyes get some relief soon!

Kerry Burleigh said...

Feel your pain! Remember my eye problem the night of the hockey game? This past Tues was particularly bad as well. :( Guess life goes on, though not sure how!