Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quote of the day

"Ode to an apple", by Emile Hirsch (scene from Into the Wild)

You're really good.
I mean, you're like 100,000 times better than like any apple I've ever had.
I'm not superman, I'm supertramp.
You're super apple.
You're so tasty!
You're so...ORGANIC!
You're so natural.
You're the apple of my eye!

I REALLY wish I could've found a photo of Emile's face when he says the last line, but alas no luck. (He leans in quite close to the camera with a mouthful of apple and a huge grin on his face). The best I could do was a photo taken of him dressed for that same scene.

Super-adorable! This one's for you, Jen - xo


Malena said...

I am still thinking about this several times a day. THANK YOU again for writing about it, or I would have totally missed it! That was a great delicious apple!

TinyRockerGrrl said...

I will SO be the apple of his eye! ;)