Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Casey Update

Casey returned home last night after another day at the vet. He has two "drainage tubes" that will stay in place until Friday. These are supposed to help keep his puncture wounds free of fluid. They say he will be okay (thank goodness!)

Todd, Maria and Abby are supposed to come to Chapel Hill Friday for Midnight Madness, and if they do they will bring Casey, too. Of course their travel will depend on Casey's progress.

We all appreciate your good thoughts while Casey recovers!

For the backstory, read BEWARE of DOG.


samantha said...

Awwwww!!! Poor thing! He looks pitiful. Glad he's okay and home.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful dog!!!! He's been through so much but all the love your brother's family - and extended family - seem to have for him should go a long way. I hope for a speedy and complete recovery for him - and Maria. (Where's her picture?)