Saturday, October 4, 2008

My little Houdini

Bailey has just returned to Caroline's house (where I'm dogsitting) after another long morning of wild and free abandon. You'd think I would've learned by now that Caro's fence cannot contain Bailey. I found a new hole, one that doesn't look big enough for Bailey to fit through, but apparently it is.

I spent a couple of hours looking for him, all the while drawing odd looks from folks passing by wondering why I would be carrying a leash with no dog on the end. After resigning myself to defeat, I walked back to Caroline's, paced for a while and then just as soon as I sat down on the couch my phone rang. It was a nice man named Jay who said he had Bailey in his yard. I nearly fainted when he told me he lives in Meadowmont, meaning that Bailey had to not only travel a few miles to get to Jay's house, but he also had to cross FOUR lanes of traffic on highway 54! Therefore, Bailey is known as Houdini both for his ability to break free from almost anywhere, and his ability to evade death by motor vehicle.

I took the photo above soon after returning with Bailey. I can't believe he went straight to the back door, as if I would let him back out there!

I'm always grateful when he's found, but right now I'm still thinking he's an a**hole. At least he's tired and sleeping like a log right now so I can take a nap before heading out to tailgate this afternoon. GO HEELS!


Jane said...

Soooo glad you found him! Does this happen often? Isn't he getting old? I bet you were sick with worry. What a stinker!

kile said...

How annoying!! But very amazing that he is safe...Charlie and Esther got out yesterday- our gate was slightly opened- luckily some passerbys got to them quickly! the worry is terrible..

Jeni said...

It's amazing how far dogs can travel in a small amount of time isn't it? I wonder what he was searching for?

teg said...

Norwegian Elkhounds are NOTORIOUS for taking off. In fact, my Elkhound book warns that they should never bet let off of a leash unless in a secured area. He's always relieved when I find him. I seriously think he forgets where he's going and then when he realizes he's lost, he freaks. But even the man who picked him up said Bailey wouldn't come to him until he saw his two dogs. He described Bailey's glance at him (before seeing the dogs) as "yeah, right, I'm not coming over there!"

samantha said...

Oh, the olfactory senses of a dog...don't get me started. I'd bet he found an opening through which he might not have cared to escape, but then picked up a scent that led him out into the wild blue yonder! And also into the beginnings of a migraine for you I'd imagine. Do you still get those with violent side effects? Jeez I hope not.