Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting reacquainted

I had the privilege of drawing Sydney duty last evening, and I was ecstatic that she accepted my presence quickly and even flashed quite a few smiles for me! I can't take credit for the photo below, as I snagged it from Kerry's Snapfish album. I didn't have my camera with me, but I wanted to include a photo of a happy Sydney, and I love the retro dress, too!

I honestly think Sydney might just go from stationary baby to walking champ. She hasn't begun to crawl, but with a little assistance she walks like a pro. And she WANTS to walk.

If I sat her on the sofa or on the floor, she cried and slapped her hands at the floor until I put her on her feet. She tried several times to pick herself up (via grasping at my pant leg or nearby furniture) but she just doesn't have the muscles and coordination required yet. It won't be long though!

When Sydney started to get tired (rubbing of eyes was intense) she became very cranky. I tried several things to appease her, but the only thing that worked was putting her in her Jump and Go. (Side note: In response to the many negative reviews I found for this product, I want to point out that the item is not called "leave your kid alone swing." Depending on the child's age, obviously some supervision is going to be required).

The Jump and Go is perfect for Sydney. She loves to "dance" (bounce up and down while propping herself up on something sturdy), so the illusion that she is dancing or walking on her own is quite pleasing to her. She was entirely happy - bouncing, spinning and swinging - until mommy came home. Then she was ecstatic!


Jeni said...

Awww I'm glad she's started to accept you. Kids are filled with love aren't they?

Sounds like she'll be walking in no time!

Kerry Burleigh said...

I wish she would walk already - my back aches every night from bending over to help her walk!

samantha said...

She is gorgeous! I love baby dancers...stubby, chubby legs and cute little bottoms gettin' their groove on...adorable.

TinyRockerGrrl said...

I want to kidnap her she is just SO adorable. I! Those cheeks.. and I can just hear her laughing :)